Custom Fabricated Boat Towers, Radar Arches, T-tops, Canvas & Enclosures

Order your radar arch Basic Radar Arch - $1,520 - ($1,200-no rods)

Basic Boat Radar Arch

new product Our Basic Radar Arch is designed for boats up to 25' in size. It provides an area for mounting of radar equipment as well as antennas, halogen lights and other accessories, and could be cabin side or gunnel mounted. Every Arch is individually designed according to your boat and fishing style

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Order your reinforced radar arch Reinforced Radar Arch - $1,790
Reinforced Boat Radar Arch

Designed for higher performance applications and faster speeds this Rear loop Truss Reinforced Radar Arch is a great addition to boats 25' and larger. Custom pitch , height and other options are available on demand.

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Order your powdercoated radar arch Powder Coated Reinforced Radar Arch - $2,390
Powdercoated Boat Radar Arch

This is an extremely durable, scratch and weather resistant finish. Powder coating has the same hardness of chrome but is pliable and can bend and take a hit without chipping. High-gloss and metallic coatings are available, please pick a color from the Chart before adding this option.

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Results: 4.37 after 27 votes.
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Order your radar arch with bimini Foldable Bimini Top - $990

Custom boat bimini top

As functional as it is stylish our Custom Bimini Top is designed to be folded and unfolded in less than a minute with the removal of two quick release pins. More than 50 top colors available.

*Radar Arch sold separately

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Results: 4.09 after 70 votes.
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Order your tuna towerFull Tuna Tower - Please Call
Boat Tuna Tower

A Marlin or Tuna Tower enables the boater to add a second control station which increases visibility and navigation ability. Tuna tower makes the most sense on express boats 30' and larger when a Marlin tower may be a practical addition to smaller outboards.

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Order your half towerHalf Tower - $2.790 (up to 24'Boats)
Boat Canvas Half tower

Light weight, great sun and weather protection , our canvas Half Tower is a good choice for your walk around or cuddy cabin boat. It will completely change the lines of your boat and increase it's value. Designed to match closely the shape of your windshield for an easy Enclosure installation, the Half Tower is also backed up by 5 years Warranty. Highest quality fabrics used.

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Results: 3.95 after 57 votes.
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Order your canvas t top T-tops
Custom boat ttop

Fiberglass or canvas covered a T-top will greatly increase the value of you center console boat and add a whole new dimension to it. Our Custom t-tops are designed to match the lines of your console as close as possible. To keep the weight low we use closed cell foam as a core instead of solid fiberglass on all of our hard cover tops.

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Results: 4.28 after 18 votes.
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order your boat hard topCustom Hard Top - $3,490(up to 24'Boats)

Fishing Boat Hard Top

Our custom made Hard Top will give a whole new look to your express/cuddy cabin or a walkaround boat. Every unit is individually designed to your boat specifications and personal preferences. We use foam cored fiberglass to keep the tower weight low.

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Order your Boat hard top 25Custom Molded Hard Top - starting at - $4,500
Custom Boat Hard Top

Our Custom Made Hard Top will give a whole new look to your express or flybridge boat. The fiberglass top closely matches the shape of your flybridge or cabin, for easy enclosure installation. To keep the tower weight low we use Divinycell foam Divinycell Foam Core Hard Top on our custom molded tops. The hard top also comes with concealed wire channels for lighting or equipment wiring.

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Results: 4.33 after 6 votes.
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Order your custom leaning post Leaning Posts
Custom Leaning Posts

Lean on it to fight that big catch, sit on it and relax or just store that ice cooler under it, the leaning post is a popular add-on to many center console boats. Various vinyl colors to match your existing upholstery, and many other options are available.

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Results: 4.33 after 6 votes.
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Order toyr marine el boxFiberglass Instrument Panels
Marine Electronics Box

Need an extra space for your stereo or electronics? These molded fiberglass boxes come with a tinted 3/8" thick door, stainless steel hinges, lock, and spring. Standard color is white

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Order your custom rocket launcherRocket Launchers
Custom rocket launcher

If you need to add a few extra rod holders to your hard top, this bolt-on Rocket Launcher could be the solution. Holders position and RL width could be customized. Available in anodized or powder coated finish.

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Results: 4.33 after 3 votes.
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Order your t top enclosure Canvas and Enclosures
Boat t top Enclosure

We use highest quality fabrics on all of our enclosures and tops. These fabrics are made to the highest marine standards and have a limited 5 year warranty directly from the manufacturer. Enclosure curtains are made from a clear or tinted .030 gauge press polished vinyl sheets and they slide into a track attached to the tower or fiberglass.

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Results: 4.63 after 84 votes.
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order your poling platform Poling Platform - $950

custom marine fabrication Boat Poling Platform

A poling platform will greatly enhance your sight casting . You can also see into the water better because your elevated position cuts down on glare. Poling from a platform is also easier than from on the deck. Your elevated position on the platform also reduces the leverage of the poles length working against you. Made out of schedule 40 anodized pipe and nonskid fiberglass platform.

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Results: 4 after 16 votes.
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